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Margit Cleveland,

Managing Director

For more than 35 years, Margit has worked in markets as diverse as Germany, USA and Sub-Saharan Africa. Her prior work experience includes Infratest-Burke (now TNS), Germany; Mar’s Surveys, USA; Institut für Jugendforschung (now Synovate), Germany; and RMS International, Nigeria. In 2003, Margit won the “Best Conference Paper” Award at the Gallup International Conference, Estoril;  and she contributed to the GIA “Voice of the People” book, 2006).

Over the years, Margit has worked for blue chip clients in the FMCG and telecoms industries (BAT, Coca Cola, Diageo, Heineken, Unilever, Cadbury, MTN, Orange, etc.), international and local media (BBC, VOA, CFI, etc.) as well as government agencies and NGOs (US State Department, USAID, UNICEF, AED, PSI, etc.). Recent additions to her portfolio include Intel, JTI and Novozymes.

Margit is a member of ESOMAR, MSRA, PAMRO and WAPOR. From January 2013 to December 2016, Margit was the ESOMAR representative for Kenya. From January 2020 to June 2021, she was the WAPOR representative in the country.

Jane Delorie


Jane has lived and worked in Africa for over 30 years with more than 20 years work experience in the research industry holding CEO positions most recently with Ipsos and previously with Research Solutions and Research International. She is founder and past Chairman of the Marketing & Social Research Association (MSRA) as well as past Vice Chair of the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK). She was the East African representative for ESOMAR (the world research body) and is a member of the UK Institute of Directors. Before making career in research, Jane worked with MCL Saatchi, General Electric and the British High Commission.

A founder of the Brand Kenya initiative, Jane is both passionate and deeply involved in social change initiatives and believes strongly in “volunteerism”. She is founder and chairs the board of trustees of The Children’s Village and is member and Board Chair of Maji na Ufanisi (a the local NGO providing access to water and sanitation in the slums and arid area of Kenya).  She sits on the Board of Advisors of the University of Nairobi mentorship program, Greenhorn and is also on the Board of two East African companies Paystream Ltd and 3Mice Interactive Media Ltd.

Her client experience is extensive and includes an array of regional, African and multinational businesses, NGOs, and government agencies. She has presented at seminars and training programs around the world on strategy, research and marketing.  Jane believes in ‘adding value’ to every activity she undertakes.

Althea McCourt


Prior to joining Infinite Insight, Althea was the Operations Director at Research Solutions. She has over 20 years experience in management consultancy, specialising in strategic development and implementation, HR, debt management, operations and systems & process guidance.   Her work experience has been within a range of service industries, with the last 10 years being in the market research sector

Althea holds an MBA – IT (University of Leicester), and a BA (Hons) in Business Studies (University of North London). She is a Member of Marketing and Social Research Association (MSRA), WAPOR, SAMRA, ESOMAR and Kenya Institute of Management (KIM).

In 2017, Althea was the chair person of MSRA.

David Jodice


David A. Jodice is the founder and President of D3 Systems, Inc. He has extensive experience worldwide in survey research management and analysis. Key areas of expertise include media audience measurement, public opinion polling, elections forecasting, and consumer studies.

After earning his PhD at Harvard, he taught at both Harvard and Georgetown Universities, joined Research Management Services in 1984, and created D3 in 1986 to provide a variety of services to government, media, and business.

Dr. Jodice joined the board of Infinite Insight, D3’s partner in Africa, in August 2011.

Matthew Warshaw


Matthew Warshaw is the Chief Operating Officer of D3 Systems.  He has over twenty years of social science research experience conducting public opinion surveys, media evaluations, measures of performance of effectiveness studies, and consumer studies.  

Mr. Warshaw has extensive experience in setting up research operations, logistics oversight, and foreign personnel management, with particular experience in conflict environments and developing countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya, Haiti, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen, and Iran. He also manages projects in more stable markets in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Gulf States, the former Soviet Union, and Latin America.  He serves as the managing director of D3’s subsidiary, ACSOR-Surveys in Kabul, Afghanistan, and also leads many of D3’s business development efforts.  

Mr. Warshaw joined the board of Infinite Insight, D3’s partner in Africa, in August 2011. He has a BA from the American University and an MA from Georgetown University.